Saturday, February 7, 2009

Ridiculous news story

And the guy says...“When I saw the raccoon I thought I’d have some fun."

Really? Really, dude?

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Another reason that I love Stephen King

I read Twilight. I'll admit it. My sister (older than the target demographic, but still curious) decided to see if it was as horrible as she suspected it would be, and I joined her. It was, and is, total garbage. 

I hear the movie made things slightly better (by bringing the entirely flat characters to life, to a certain degree) and slightly worse (the way movies always do), but I didn't bother seeing it. Nor will I bother to read any more of Stephenie Meyer's craptacular writing. (Although The Host was slightly better than Twilight. Slightly.)

Anyway, check out this excellent article, and smile.
Do illiterates get the full effect when they eat a bowl of alphabet soup?

Yet another portfolio

of total awesomeness. This guy draws caricature like whoa. 

Favorites include: Bob Dylan, Willie Nelson (featured today on TeeFury!), John Lee Hooker, Amy Winehouse, Tracy Chapman. Oh, and everyone's boy, Barack.

He says he's working on a Bob Marley drawing. Sick.

A Simon Luckhurst original

I just stumbled across this short story while reading about Tom Robbins, and enjoyed it, so I thought I'd share.

Monday, February 2, 2009

A young fellow named Strange

Today at work, I witnessed a young child of no more than eight years beating hell out of several 50 lb. bags of Pedigree dog food. He was unaccompanied by any parents or other figures of authority, and was repeatedly, mercilessly, and quite mysteriously punching these huge yellow bags as if they were piñatas (piñatae?) and would yield vast stores of candy were he to break them open.

I was leveling down some Jamaican beef patties at the time, so I walked over and asked the lad if there was a reason he was attacking the dog food. Perhaps the Pedigree had done something to provoke his offensive? Startled by my question, he turned to stare mutely at me for just a breath or two, then unleashed one final salvo of wild punches and took off running down the aisle. He pumped his legs and arms rigidly, at right angles, seeming to run in place, and yet managing to propel himself away from me nonetheless. The entire spectacle was absurd, but of course there was no one else there to witness it.

Puzzled, but amused, I went back to my beef patties.